Scaling Service Delivery with Automation

Tools Used

"Working with the Workhorse team has been instrumental in automating and consolidating our processes and systems. We've gained valuable time back to focus on high-value work through various stages of work and tasks being streamlined. I'd recommend Workhorse to any business looking to save time, money and labour through the automation of workflows and synchronisation of data."

Ben Roulston

COO, Thinka

4 Hours
Saved per project manager per week
60 Projects
Automated annually
7,000 Tasks
Set up for deals each year

Thinka is an innovative learning and development company based in Melbourne, Australia. They offer practical solutions and robust tools to help teams develop key skills, mindsets and strengths to navigate uncertainty and change. With a focus on making learning fresh, contemporary and practical, Thinka works closely with businesses, corporations and training organizations to design impactful learning experiences that drive results.

However, as Thinka worked hard to productize their service offerings, they encountered significant overhead and challenges in delivering projects efficiently and consistently. That's when they turned to Workhorse for help streamlining their project management and delivery processes.


Thinka faced several key issues that were impacting their ability to scale and deliver client projects smoothly:

Significant project kick-off overhead

  • The kick-off process required for each new project was lengthy and cumbersome
  • This overhead made it difficult to efficiently launch and manage a high volume of projects

As Thinka worked to productize their service offerings, they recognized the importance of a thorough project kick-off process to ensure all stakeholders were aligned on objectives, timelines, and deliverables. However, the existing kick-off procedure had become overly complex and time-consuming. Project managers found themselves spending hours gathering information, creating project plans, and setting up necessary systems for each new engagement. This lengthy process not only delayed project start dates but also limited the number of projects Thinka could take on simultaneously, hindering their ability to scale their business effectively.

Delivering consistent, high-quality project outcomes

  • Ensuring projects met Thinka's high standards required outsized management effort and input
  • This level of oversight was not scalable as the business and client base grew

Thinka took pride in delivering exceptional learning solutions that drove meaningful results for their clients. However, maintaining this high level of quality across all projects demanded significant management oversight and input. Project managers were heavily involved in every aspect of project execution, from design and development to delivery and evaluation. While this hands-on approach ensured projects met Thinka's rigorous standards, it also created a bottleneck that prevented the company from taking on more clients and projects. As Thinka's business grew, it became increasingly apparent that this level of management involvement was not sustainable or scalable.

Limitations and costs of existing tools

  • Thinka was using HubSpot automations, but found them expensive at over $1,000 per month
  • The automations were also limited in functionality and couldn't fully support their needs

In an effort to streamline their processes, Thinka had implemented HubSpot automations. While these automations provided some benefits, they came at a significant cost of over $1,000 per month. This high price tag placed a financial strain on the company and limited their ability to invest in other areas of the business. Additionally, the HubSpot automations had limitations in terms of functionality and customization. They couldn't fully support Thinka's unique project management needs, leading to manual workarounds and inefficiencies. Thinka recognized that they needed a more cost-effective and flexible solution to truly optimize their project management and delivery processes.


Workhorse started by assessing Thinka's established processes and desired outcomes. From here, we were able to implement several solutions to address their challenges:

Automated project setup upon deal close in HubSpot

  • When a HubSpot deal is marked won, all the necessary systems and tasks for that project are created
  • This includes specific tasks for Thinka's productized service offerings

To streamline Thinka's project kick-off process, Workhorse implemented an automated project setup system within HubSpot. Now, when a deal is marked as won in HubSpot, all the necessary systems and tasks for that project are automatically created. This includes generating project-specific tasks, timelines, and deliverables based on Thinka's productized service offerings. By automating this process, Thinka has been able to significantly reduce the time and effort required to launch new projects. Project managers no longer need to manually set up each project, allowing them to focus on higher-value activities like client communication and strategic planning.

Xero integration for seamless invoicing

  • Xero invoices and accounts are automatically created and itemized based on the agreed project scope
  • This saves significant manual effort and ensures faster, more accurate billing

Workhorse recognized the importance of efficient and accurate billing for Thinka's projects. To address this, we integrated Thinka's existing finance systems in Xero with their updated project management system. Now, when a project is created, a corresponding Xero invoice and account are automatically generated and itemized based on the agreed project scope. This integration eliminates the need for manual invoice creation and ensures that billing is accurate and timely. By streamlining the invoicing process, Thinka has been able to reduce the time spent on administrative tasks and improve cash flow by sending out invoices promptly.

Improved notifications and collaboration

  • Various notifications are automatically sent to project and finance teams to keep everyone informed
  • Thinka migrated from Dropbox to SharePoint for better file organization and collaboration

Effective communication and collaboration are critical to the success of any project. To enhance these areas, Workhorse implemented an automated notification system that keeps all relevant team members informed about project updates and milestones. When key events occur, such as project kick-off, task completion, or invoice generation, notifications are automatically sent to the appropriate project and finance team members. This ensures that everyone stays informed and aligned throughout the project lifecycle.Additionally, Workhorse helped Thinka migrate from Dropbox to SharePoint for improved file organization and collaboration. SharePoint provides a centralized platform for storing and sharing project-related documents, making it easier for team members to access the information they need. With features like version control and real-time co-authoring, SharePoint enables seamless collaboration among team members, regardless of their location. This has helped Thinka foster a more efficient and effective working environment, ultimately leading to better project outcomes.


Since streamlining and automating key processes with Workhorse, Thinka has seen impressive results, including:

  • 4 hours saved per project manager per week - giving time back to focus on high-value work
  • 60 projects and 7,000 tasks auto-setup annually - enabling Thinka to scale efficiently
  • More projects delivered on time and on budget - thanks to improved project management
  • Valuable dashboards for continuous improvement - by tracking project data systematically

By partnering with Workhorse, Thinka has enhanced its ability to deliver high-quality learning solutions to clients efficiently and cost-effectively. Streamlined processes, automated project setup, and improved collaboration have empowered their team to scale the business while maintaining the high standards their clients count on.

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Workhorse saves businesses hundreds of hours per year. Automate your business today.